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Orissa India Isolated Spore Syringe


Strain origin – Orissa India

Originally founded by John Allen. This Indian cubensis is an aggressive healthy variety.

Orissa produces very large flushes and is quickly becoming a mycology favorite.

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Orissa India Isolated Spore Syringe | A Resilient Wild Lineage

The Orissa India strain, first discovered by renowned ethnomycologist John Allen, is a robust wild Psilocybe cubensis variety, known for its aggressive spore production and large fruiting structures. This strain has been carefully preserved by our colleagues in Austria, where it has been meticulously maintained at the F3 stage, ensuring its genetic integrity remains unaltered.

Spores are intended for microscopy, taxonomy, and novelty purposes only.

Morphology & Key Features

  • Wild-Origin Psilocybe Cubensis – Originally sourced from Orissa, India, this strain is known for vigorous spore production.
  • Genetic Preservation – Maintained at F3 stage, ensuring wild traits remain stable and intact.
  • Gill Structure – Medium to large gills with a wide range of formations, producing strong natural sporulation.
  • Spore Characteristics – Produces dark purple spores, measuring 7 x 12 micrometers, ideal for microscopic observation.
  • Microscopy-Ready Specimen – An excellent research subject for studying wild Psilocybe cubensis genetics.

Ecology & Genetic Background

  • 🌱 Discovered by John Allen – This strain was originally found by legendary mycologist and researcher John Allen.
  • 🧬 F3 Lineage Stability – Carefully preserved by Austrian colleagues, ensuring the strain remains true to its wild form.
  • 📍 Thrives in Tropical Environments – Naturally occurs in humid, subtropical regions, making it an excellent wild specimen for microscopy research.

Quality & Collection Standards

  • 🌿 Ethically Collected & Preserved – Each spore syringe is sourced with strict environmental and genetic preservation considerations.
  • 🔬 Prepared in Sterile ConditionsAll materials undergo HEPA filtration for quality assurance.
  • ✅ 30-Day Quality Guarantee – Ensuring high standards for microscopy research and observation.

Suggested Products for Cross-Reference

Explore more wild Psilocybe cubensis genetics and rare archival strains:

🔍 Browse our Genetic Vault to discover even more rare and exclusive spore varieties before they are retired!


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